BOOM! Studios and Macrocosm Entertainment to Launch Archaia’s First Year-Long Series with ‘Lantern City’

Award-winning publisher BOOM! Studios is pleased to announce they are teaming up with Macrocosm Entertainment to publish Lantern City, a yearlong 12-issue maxi-series from the Archaia imprint that dives headfirst into the Steampunk genre. This will be the first single issue maxi-series published by Archaia since it first started publishing The Secret History in 2007.

Lantern City is a sci-fi saga set in a world that is a dark mirror of our own. Breathtaking, unfamiliar, and terrifying, the walled metropolis of Lantern City is divided by class and geography. Citizens—those who occupy the sordid street-level neighborhoods—tirelessly keep the city going, while the ruling class of the Grey Empire lives high above the populace where they bargain and manipulate for every ounce of power they can muster. Strange science and a criminal network can be found far below the city in the underground, where violence is the only way to negotiate.

Through the chaos of oppression and rebellion, heroes will rise and empires will topple in this sweeping tale of a world where good, evil, romance, and violence combine like a gearbox to highlight the Steampunk genre as never before.

Macrocosm CEO Trevor Crafts remarked, “We couldn’t be more excited to partner with BOOM! Studios and Archaia. Creativity and innovation has always been the cornerstone of their business. At the heart of the Lantern City saga is a simple question: How far would you go to be with the person you love the most? It is what drives every character and every action they take, good or bad, and we are thrilled to explore this new world and these new stories with Archaia and bring Lantern City to fans all over the world.”

“The entire Macrocosm team blew us away with their passion and what they’ve already built with Lantern City,” said BOOM! Studios Editor-in-Chief Matt Gagnon. “This story has the irresistible draw of the Steampunk genre, and it’s big in scope, which makes us want to explore every inch of Lantern City. When you combine that with a powerful story of love and survival you have the makings of an epic tale. This is the biggest story Archaia has done in single issues yet, and we’re thrilled to be working with Macrocosm to bring Lantern City to comics.”

BOOM! Studios and Archaia will announce additional details about this exciting new series later this year.

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