Pullbox Previews: Archeologists of Shadows- Seeing is Believing…

AOS3 Cover1Archeologists of Shadows (Septagon Studios)

“In the beginning there was Nothing. Then the two gods created, and there were lights and there were shadows. The Reflection of the gods is personified in the alter egos, those who will be the Messengers of their world and the owners of the Destiny of the Creation.”– Extract from the Book of References

Baltimo and Alix are friends on the run from mechanization, a religiously mandated process by which everyone is required to give up their organic components. Resisting the process carries with it the threat of St. Peter’s Detention Center, where non-compliance will be surgically rectified. The two have their doubts about the authorities’ interpretation of the “divine plan”, and they start out on a search for the Resistance. The first part of this quest has them looking for “the hermit”, their mysterious first contact. Along the way, they have to avoid security check points, street sweeps, and a horde of fully mechanized agents determined to bring the fugitives in.

Archeologists of Shadows is visually impressive. The digitally rendered art stands out as a layered overload of graphic art. The book brings together a heavy mix of steampunk and science fiction, and wraps it into a package that might be a little over the top for some readers. There’s nothing casual about this book. The story carries a lot of mythology built into it, and it might take some time and commitment to get up to speed. If you’re looking for something beyond capes and tights, there could easily be something here for you.

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