Pullbox Reviews: Team Genesis #1

Walking through any Artist Alley at any convention you’re going to see a little bit of everything.  There are things you totally pass up, things you’ll linger at, but ultimately keep walking, and some things you want to buy right away. Team Genesis from FourCorners Studios is the latter.

At the table I met Lincoln Farquharson, writer of the FourCorners books, and he told me the story his Team Genesis book.  Lincoln described the first issue as a basic introduction into a world where superpowers exist on various levels but the public is still unaware. Also a world where are main characters a still very young and growing in both power levels and maturity. 

Farquharson is adept at getting his readers to care about his characters in just a panels, as well as make great use of inner dialog through the use of thought balloons. It’s been a while since I’ve see thought balloons used, but Farquharson uses them well and they bring a classic feel to the books.

The art looks great too!

Art Gutierrez is the penciled out of Mexico City that gives Team Genesis that clean polished look.  Sometimes in Artist Alley you see great cover art and weak interior….not the case here.  Guiterrez is able to bring a great look that incorporates both realism and fantastical at the same. Personally, I was impressed to see an artist of this type rocking a b book in Artist Alley.

Bottom Line: The folks at FarCorners Studios have put out a great book that really make the reader want more.

Grade: B+

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