IDW Games brings Fire & Axe and WildCatters to your tabletop!

 IDW Games and Pandasaurus Games announced today at Gen Con 2014 in Indianapolis that they will bring two cult-favorite titles to tabletops in 2015; Fire & Axe and WildcattersFire & Axe pits players as Viking warriors, racing to pillage, plunder, and conquer their way across Europe, while Wildcatters sees players as oil barons maneuvering their corporations to come out on top during the 19th century oil boom.
“These are a pair of hidden gems,” said Molly Wardlaw of Pandasaurus Games. “Fire & Axe is a game that people in-the-know have played and loved, we’re happy to be printing it and meeting the pent-up demand for new copies. The new art team behind this edition is going to make it something very special. Wildcatters really hasn’t seen any U.S. exposure, people are going to love this game, it’s got great innovative mechanics, and excellent components, and yes, there will be blood.”
Fire & Axe seats three to five players, and is playable in roughly 90 minutes. Each round players take a turn that consists of seven in-game days to load their ships and send them out to trade with or conquer Europe. There is also a a unique mission system that gives all players a chance to complete tasks on mission cards, which when completed, awards bonuses that can tip the scales of battle.
Wildcatters is a deeply strategic economic game for three or four players, playable in roughly two hours.  Players work to develop oil fields, bid for oil rights, and build the equipment required to transport and refine their crude and take it to the market.  The game forces players to work together to find oil at a good price, and transport it to refineries, but only the player who delivers the most oil will come out on top.
Both titles will join a rapidly expanding lineup that features a mix of comic book adaptation games likeCHEW, V-Wars, and 30 Days of Night as well as imported and original titles like Machi Koro andDiamonsters. For more information, exclusive offers, and plenty of fun make sure to like IDW Games on facebook and follow @IDWgames on twitter.

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