unnamed (6) unnamed (7)On the eve of solicitation of the highly anticipated new ongoing series from Fred Van Lente (Conan the Avenger, Archer & Armstrong) and artists Maurizio Rosenzweig (Clown Fatale) and Moreno Dinisio (Dead Body Road) comes news of a second cover of the first issue, created for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund! In addition to the regular cover by Juan Doe, Dark Horse adds a special variant cover by Jenny Frison, available exclusively to CBLDF member stores!

Are you Near-Death Experienced? Framed architect-turned-thief Jericho Way has discovered he’s a Resurrectionist, one of a select group of people who can not only remember their past lives, but become them. Two groups are now after his services—the Sojourn Corporation, which wants to exploit his powers for mysterious purposes, and a motley crew of modern-day tomb robbers who have been trying to pull the same impossible heist for 3,000 years—and if Jericho joins them, he may steal back his own future!

Participating retailers can contact the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund directly to order, and readers can look for Resurrectionists #1 at their local comic shop on November 12!

And don’t forget, Fred Van Lente’s The Complete Silencers and Action Philosophers release in September and October, respectively!

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