Pullbox Review: Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Wonderland #24

w24cGrimm Fairy Tales Presents Wonderland #24 (Zenescope – Esquivel / Bear / Paciarotti / Campbell)

The Queen of Spades is revealed as the grand manipulator behind the evil that has been plaguing Calie and Violet’s lives. As Calie leads their ragtag team of warriors toward Spades, hoping to take her down for good, they remain unaware that they are being watched by the Void, the embodiment of Wonderland itself. The countdown to the landmark twenty-fifth issue of Wonderland begins.

As some of the mainstream companies / publishers continue to re-boot and re-brand (don’t get me wrong, some it is very much worth reading), Zenescope has taken the creative lead in the industry and continues to add to their mythology, not simply shuffle it around. With the Age of Darkness, Realm War, Oz, Godstorm and other ongoing GFT titles, Zenescope continues to weave a larger picture that is enjoyable both in the macro story structure and in the individual issue. In all truth, I have yet to find a Zene-title that I didn’t think was a total contender and would hold its own on the comic shop shelf.

And while the Grimm universe continues to explode with creativity, intrigue and action (and much more to come in the future) – for me, the most enjoyable storyline to get engulfed in has been Wonderland. I have currently been reading both the ongoing Wonderland and Clash of Queens and I simply love it all.

Ish #24 see enemies become allies and a forces combine to try to stop the Void in his last ditch effort to gain total control. And as an added bonus The Queen of Clubs shows off her high level of baddassery!

I have really enjoyed where writer Eric Esquivel has taken the inner workings of Wonderland. The art has jumped around a bit with the ongoing , but the art team led by Jacob Bear in this issue does a great job.

This is out today – Go get it!

Issue Grade: A

The Bottom Line: Great issue! Cannot wait for #25!

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