Marvel Reveals DEATH OF WOLVERINE #1 ‘Mortal Variant’!


It’s the storyline that has the whole comic industry buzzing, and today Marvel is proud to officially unveil the ‘Mortal Variant’ to DEATH OF WOLVERINE #1! Gorgeously rendered by superstar artist Ed McGuinness, the cover captures Logan as he reaches the end of his long life. This jaw-dropping cover can be ordered through the previously announced Exchangeability program.

Written by chart-topping writer Charles Soule and blockbuster artist Steve McNiven, this landmark limited series chronicles the iconic mutant’s grisly final days as he battles through a gauntlet of his greatest foes. Left without the help of his mutant healing factor, the once indestructible killing machine known as the Wolverine has found himself mortal for the first time in a long time.

As mainstream media buzz continues to build around this highly anticipate series, retailers are encouraged to check their Marvel Mailer for ordering and exchangeability information for this exclusive cover.

What does a world without Wolverine look like? Find out when first issue of DEATH OF WOLVERINE hits comic shops this September!



Art & Cover by STEVE MCNIVEN

Mortal Variant by ED MCGUINNESS

FOC – 08/11/2014, On-Sale – 09/03/2014

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