Pullbox Review – The Shadow Hero #3

shadowThe Shadow Hero – Chapter 3: Fathers and Sons (First Second Books Liew / Chiang)

Quite honestly this issue was the one I, and I’m sure many others, have been waiting for. The story has been woven capably  and the series has not felt drawn out, but I was nonetheless glad to reach this particular climax in the story. This is a powerful issue, adding not only a new weight and severity to the somewhat lighthearted series but aptly manipulating a number of other emotions as well (like anger, be sure of that). Without delving into spoiler territory, there isn’t a lot more to say: The series continues to be a spell-binding look at what makes a hero – including when that hero is actively being made by his awful mother. I’d love to go more into that but let’s just say you get at least one big reminder of his mother’s nature and motives that should leave you irritated, and that’s not including another visit from Uncle Wun Too. Issue #4 is likely going to be the best yet, and #3 sets that stage as capably as it possibly could. Check it out, for sure!

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Updated: April 11, 2014 — 11:36 am

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