Kickstarter – Evolve: A New Era of RPG!

d49a369b67cef14c52e65d13878b869c_largeA New Era Of RPG Is Here

The Evolve narrative gaming system is a tabletop RPG broken up into 3 tiers of complexity, so that gamers who

have never played a tabletop RPG before (or have very little experience with them) can have a quick-start and easy way

to learn the game and grow into more complex rules naturally. The system is designed so all 3 tiers of complexity stack

and can be used seamlessly within the same game, so every player can use the tier of complexity that they’re most

comfortable with without disrupting the flow of the game for others

New Ways To Play

Maybe adventuring across the countryside isn’t for you. Build and customize a Guild with benefits that grow

as you invest in it, and it gains a reputation. Invest some of your treasure back into resources for making new or better

equipment with our Crafting system. Not the crafting type? Then why not try gambling or another Mini-Game to mix

Adapt to Life’s Chaos

Getting together as a group on a weekly, or even monthly basis, can be difficult – people have jobs with shifting

hours, people get sick, families have obligations – and that can really disrupt the flow and consistency of a game. To that

end we’ve developed a GameHosting system that allows players to meet and still enjoy the game, even when other

members of the group (or even the Game Master running it) can’t make it.

and get your copies of “Evolve: Adventure” and “Todd the Ugliest Game on Earth”.

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