Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot return in Volume 3 of Dark Horse Presents!

Coming this August: Geof Darrow and Frank Miller’s Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot return in this new volume of the award-winning, long-running anthology powerhouse Dark Horse Presents, in a stunning new 48-page format, for only $4.99!

Also in the 48-page tome of awesome comics: Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse’s Resident Alien, Brendan McCarthy’s Dream Gang, Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray, and Andy Kuhn’s Wrestling with Demons, Damon Gentry and Aaron Conley’s Sabertooth Swordsman, and David Mack’s Kabuki!

Read the exclusive interview with Geof Darrow and Mike Richardson only on Comic Book Resources!

Praise for Dark Horse Presents:

Dark Horse Presents really does represent everything that’s good about comic books. Editor Mike Richardson has assembled an anthology comic that is unique, diverse, and full of intriguing material from an amazing assemblage of often brilliantly talented creators.”—Comics Bulletin

“Dark Horse’s prestigious anthology series . . . showcases emerging talent alongside some of the greatest writers, artists and cartoonists comics has to offer, as well as promising new and underground talents.”—ComicsAlliance 

“Seriously, this is comics’ best kept secret trove of great comics.”—Robot 6

Dark Horse Presents was the first comic published by Dark Horse, so seeing it back feels like a return to form of sorts. And happily, it’s a mix of old standbys as well as a new wave of creators.”—Comic Book Resources

Dark Horse Presents Volume 3 #1 is on comic store shelves August 20. Preorder your copy today!


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