Dark Horse President Mike Richardson Wants to Give You $1,000!

Mike Richardson, Dark Horse founder and writer of the Eisner-nominated 47 Ronin and Star Wars: Crimson Empire, teams with artist Bruce Zick (MandalaThor) to take readers on a fun new thrill ride laden with pop culture and science fiction references!

For one savvy reader who can catch the subtle nods contained within this original graphic novel, Mike Richardson is offering a $1,000 cash prize! Not only that, but he’ll also award the local comic shop of your choice $1,000 worth of Dark Horse comics and graphic novels!

The Atomic Legion is on sale today in comic shops everywhere! Read it thoroughly, and send an e-mail to atomiclegion@darkhorse.com with your list of the story’s pop culture and science fiction references, and a picture of yourself with the book, before May 31. The first person to correctly identify the most references will be awarded the cash prize!


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