C2E2: DC All Access

Hey Y’All!

Here is he bullet points of the DC All Access Panel from C2E2.

Who was there: Charles Souls, Greg Pak, Nicola Scott, Kyle Higgins, Dan Jurgens, Brian Azzerello, and Scott Snyder.

And here we go!

– Batman 75: The Wednesday of SDCC, comic shops across the world will have swag for this day.

-Batman Eternal: 50+ issues weekly because the story needed that much space and creators didn’t want it to take years to tell. Creators wanted to make Gotham City more alive. Steph Brown is back, Catwoman will be the Wilson Fisk of Gotham.

– Batman Zero Year: Post Apocoliyptic Gotham City with Riddler Gotham.

– Superman Unchained: Huge Battles, Throwing Dinosaurs, Smashing people with giant pennies.

– American Vampires: It’s coming back and it’s going to be awesome.

– Wake: An unexpected success, and the dolphin is safe.

– Aquaman and the Others: Atlantean gold makes magic weapons.

– Futures End: Weekly comic about the DCU in 5-years, Brian Azzerello quote “This book is dark. Almost too dark. And from me that’s saying something.”

– Wonder Woman: A long burn story getting to the Battle of Olympus. People are going to die.

– Superman & Wonder Woman: Two 20-somethings with the powers of gods trying to make a relationship work. Will it ever work? No, because they they wouldn’t have much of a book.

– Swamp Thing: The Lady Weeds – A Swamp Thing from the 1800s, who gets caught in a deal with Vandal Savage to do bad things.

– Red Lanterns: Guy Guarder (current head of the Red Lanterns) run these ring slingers like a biker gang. Not everyone is happy about that. Supergirl is a new Red Lantern.

– Action Comics: May’s DOOMED one-shot and Action Comics #31 will be the biggest trial of the New 52 Superman yet. We’ll also get new Steel and new Krypto.

– Batman/Superman: First New 52 Atom coming soon. Team-ups with Batman/Lois Lane and Superman/Catwoman

– Earth 2: Poop is going to his the fan

– Secret Origin: Reveals a New 52 Dick Grayson origin.

– Batman Beyond Universe; Terry McGinnis had Dick Grayson in his year, not Bruce. They are going explain what happened to the Bat-family.

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