Tribes Returns to Print!

Rediscover the post-apocalyptic world of Tribes this May when an all-new deluxe edition hardcover packed with artwork and bonus material lands on book shelves everywhere.

Since providing stunning illustrations to the story written by Michael Geszel and Peter Spinetta, artistInaki Miranda has become a breakout artist at Vertigo, where his work on Coffin Hill has earned him further accolades and recognition. One look at Tribes and it’s no mystery why.

Imagined by Geszel and Spinetta, in this sci-fi epic adeadly virus constricts the human lifespan to only twenty-one years, leaving the world in shambles, and a future where teenage youth lead the last of humanity. Can an old tale lead to a new hope and chance at survival for those that remain?

Capitalizing on the deep mythology of the book and Miranda’s artistic talents, Tribes: The Dog Years Special Edition features a “found relic” design that looks as if Sundog of the Sky Shadow tribe fashioned it himself.

This deluxe edition collects the original tale in its entirety plus brand new development pages from Miranda. From extremely detailed penciled pages, to concept designs and pin-ups, the meticulous work of a modern master is on full-display in this hardcover deluxe edition.

“Two years after finishing my work on the book, the world of Tribes still lives in my head. That’s how strong this creation is and how powerful the characters are,” said Miranda. Geszel continued, “I’m thrilled with the new edition, especially the chance to show Inaki’s stellar pencil work in full pages and publish some marvelous concept designs of new characters.”

Celebrated creator Paul Pope says “Tribes is like Mad Max by way of Disney. Inaki draws with a widescreen vision that jumps off the page.” See it for yourself when the new edition hits stores in May.

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Updated: March 27, 2014 — 10:24 am

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