Dynamite announces Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: War Cry #1

Dynamite Entertainment is pleased to announce plans and publication details for the next all-new, original comic book series based on New York Times Bestselling author Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: War Cry!  Issue #1 launches in June.

In War Cry, four months have passed since the events depicted in Dead Beat, the 7th novel in the Dresden Files series. A war is raging between the vampire forces of the Red Court and the White Council-a war the wizards are losing. So desperate are the Council that they’ve dragooned the experienced and the outcast to reinforce their thinning ranks of Wardens. One of these draftees is one Harry Dresden, Chicago’s only wizard for hire and a guy who’s long been looked upon with suspicion by the supernatural authorities. Now, he’s one of them, and his first big mission as a Warden is a doozy: take a small team of greenhorns to a frigid town in the middle of nowhere to rescue a handful of mortals who’ve been targeted by the Red Court. The question is, why exactly are these particular mortals so crucial to the outcome of the war? The answer will come only if Harry can keep them, and his team, alive for one very long night.

“The greatest frustration about writing the Dresden Files is all the stories I come up with that are too small or too straightforward to write into a novel,” says acclaimed novelist Jim Butcher. “One of the great pleasures I’ve had as a writer is getting the opportunity to tell some of those stories in a short-story format, and in graphic novels like this one!  WAR CRY is one of the stories I always wanted to tell but never got the chance to in the context of the novels, and I’m extremely pleased with how well it’s coming out.”

War Cry is co-written by Jim Butcher and Mark Powers.  Fans are in for a visual treat with this newest series, as the amazing Stjepan Sejic (Witchblade, Ravine) has signed on to do covers.  Carlos Gomez (Deadpool, Pathfinder) is handling the interior art on the series, and has been delivering stunning pages from day one.

“I’m very excited to once again play a part in bringing the world of the Dresden Files to comics–and to be working with someone as talented as Carlos,” says series writer Mark Powers.  “War Cry will show some aspects of the war with the Red Court fans haven’t glimpsed before, and it’s packed with intense moments and great visuals. I hope fans enjoy it as much as I do.”

Says series artist Carlos Gomez: “I’m new to the whole world of the Dresden Files, but I have been having so much fun drawing this book so far, and I hope that comes through in my pages.  Such great characters and action…it’s been amazing…and I’m only on the first issue!”

“This series has got me psyched,” says Dresden Files series Editor Rich Young. “We’re jumping forward to a new time frame in Harry’s life, and he’s interacting with people that we’ve never seen visually depicted before, such as the wardens, which is quite cool. Jim’s story is intense, scary, and will keep you on the edge of your seat.  Plus I’ve wanted to work with Carlos on a longer-term project for a while now, and finally getting a chance here!”

War Cry #1 ships in June, shortly after the much-anticipated new novel in the Dresden Files series, Skin Game, published by Roc Books and releasing in stores everywhere May 27th.  The graphic novel collection of War Cry will be shipping later this year from Dynamite.

Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: War Cry #1 will be solicited in Diamond Comic Distributors’ April  Previews catalog, the premiere source of merchandise for the comic book specialty market, and slated for release on June 4th, 2014.  Comic book fans are encouraged to reserve copies of Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: War Cry #1 with their local comic book retailers.  Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: War Cry #1 will also be available for individual customer purchase through digital platforms courtesy of Comixology, iVerse, and Dark Horse Digital.

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