Furious #3 (Dark Horse – Glass / Santos)
Cadence Lark’s past is riddled with fiery ruin and personal train wrecks, and she’s desperate to prove her worth, if only to herself. As Furious, she must tame her own fears, while ensuring the creeps of the world know justice! When she is signaled to help at a rooftop fire, she heeds the call.
So by now I would hope that the praises I’ve sung for Furious as a series should give a fairly strong impression of how this particular review will go. Now to be fair, anyone can have an “off” issue, even an amazing series like this. Thankfully, that is not the case.
Issue 3 graces us with quite a bit of genuinely gripping content, from familiar matters to heroic shortcomings, and even another glimpse into how the Beacon’s strange power set functions. This is a tough issue to talk about without touching on any spoilers, but let’s just say that this series has a wonderful way of answering questions and turning right back around and posing even more interesting ones.
I can always tell I’ve really taken a deep interest in a series by the amount of theories I form in my head to answer those lingering questions – and let’s just say that at this point I could be considered a full-blown Furious conspiracy nut.
This issue had rocking action, soulful depth, and a twist that will leave you begging for issue #4!
Grade: A