Pullbox Review – FURIOUS #2

Furious #2




There are honestly few things better than seeing a series follow up a strong but question-forming first release with a second issue that proves it has hit its stride. Don’t get me wrong, with the quality of work you get to enjoy in Mice Templar, there was never a massive risk of this series failing to deliver; but with any new work (especially one with so many psychological elements) there is always the danger of failing to really convey to the audience the things they need to empathize with to really care about the subject. I’m a huge fan of stories that successfully wield action and empathy alongside one another; which Bryan JL Glass takes to like a surgeon with a knife, and which Victor Santos captures in all the gripping visual splendor the story requires. Let’s face it; FURIOUS has depth and intensity fitting of its title.

This issue is a powerful follow-up to the questions raised in the first issue, and really delves into the sort of things I was hungry for after the first: Specifically Cadence and her powers, because I loved that moment of clear trial-and-error in the first issue during the car chase. Delving into the nature of her powers reinforced so much about what we’ve seen so far, and the way it parallels the background this issue delves into drives home the appropriateness of the series’ title. It’s truly a strong choice for the visual to have such a fittingly gritty look but keeping the tone of colors on the more pale end of the spectrum, something about the mix keeps the action from being overbearing and the tone of the piece from becoming too grim; something I imagine to be a very difficult balance in a more psychological piece.

Call me a glutton, but I want more of everything this series has to offer: More of Cadence and the difficulty in finding redemption and peace, more super-heroism and what that means for the world at large, and I want that third issue in my hands already!

If you haven’t checked this series out already, hit your local shop and pick up both issues #1 and #2, then follow the creative team on Twitter:

Victor Santos (@polarcomic)

Bryan J.L. Glass (@BJLG)

And follow Furious herself! Just don’t let her catch you calling her that. (@FURIOUScomic)

. . . but just who is Perfidia? (@PERFIDIA_knowz)





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Updated: March 5, 2014 — 3:51 pm

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