Pullbox Previews: Wolverine & The X-Men #1 – Back in Session!

This March, the smash-hit series begins a new semester in WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN #1 – from critically acclaimed creators Jason Latour (Winter Soldier) and Mahmud Asrar (X-Men, Indestructible Hulk)!


Summer School is in session as world-famous mutants Wolverine, Storm, and more must educate and train the Marvel Universe’s next generation of X-Men! All-powerful inexperience mutants with the power to level cities. What could go wrong? Plus with Fantomex and Quentin Quire joining the staff – the Jean Grey School is in for a wild ride!


But with X-Men’s own lives riddled with deadly enemies and personal crises, how can they hope guide the next generation, when they can barely defend them! A new enemy lurks in the shadows, ready to strike at the heart of the Jean Grey School. And this new organization will test the faculty and students of the JGS like never before!


“Schools back for summer, and Wolverine, Storm and Quentin Quire are here to guide the next generation of mutant heroes,” says Editor Tom Brennan. “When the time came to find out who’d take the Wolverine & The X-Men story to its next chapter, Jason Latour was pretty much the only choice for someone who could continue this book’s legacy while charting new destinations.  Mahmud Asrar is the perfect partner for Jason, expanding on the world of the Jean Grey school and the lives and dangers of its students with breathtaking drama and scale.”


If you thought the inaugural year of the Jean Grey School was crazy – you ain’t seen nothing yet! The X-Men of tomorrow have faced dangers unlike any other, but they’re not ready for what comes next. Get ready for the start of the bombastic new series when WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN #1 hits stands this March!




Variant Cover by MARK BROOKS (JAN140683)

Animal Variant by JENNY PARKS (JAN140684)

FOC –02/10/14 On-Sale -03/05/14

WATX_1_Brooks_Variant WATX_1_Cover WATX_1_Parks_Animal_Variant WATX_1_Preview_1 WATX_1_Preview_2 WATX_1_Preview_3

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