Pullbox Previews: Silver Surfer #1 – Dan Slott!

This March, the sentinel of the skyways blasts off for an all-new adventure in the thrilling SILVER SURFER #1 – from New York Times Bestselling writer Dan Slott and critically acclaimed artist Mike Allred! Silver Surfer #1 continues the exciting wave of All-New Marvel NOW! launches with a fresh take on Norin Radd and his cosmic quests!

“It’s fun, it’s full of adventure, and it wears its love of the Marvel Universe on its sleeve,” says Slott in an interview with Marvel.com.

The universe is big. Bigger than one could ever imagine, even one such as the Surfer. Propelled by the mighty Power Cosmic, long has he voyaged alone – journeying from star to star. But soon he’ll discover that the best way to see it…is with someone else. Meet the Earth Girl who’s challenged the Surfer to go beyond the boundaries of the know Marvel U – and into the strange and unknown!

“One of the limitations of the Surfer character is that, by his nature he’s alone most of the time,” says Executive Editor Tom Brevoort. “So right off the bat, we’re giving him somebody new to bounce off of: the new character Dawn Greenwood. The two of them wind up traveling together, and this gives the Surfer somebody to bond with and relate to along the journey.”

Hop on board and hang ten when the most far-out series of All-New Marvel NOW! makes its epic cosmic debut this March! Hang on! This is the all-new SILVER SURFER #1!


Written by DAN SLOTT

Art & Cover by MIKE ALLRED

Variant Cover by FRANCESCO FRANCAVILLA (JAN140651)

Animal Variant by CHRIS SAMNEE (JAN140652)

Young Variant by SKOTTIE YOUNG (JAN140653)

FOC – 03/03/14 On-Sale – 03/26/14

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