Dynamite Entertainment Soliciations this coming week! + Cover Gallery

Bill Willingham (w) 
Sergio Fernandez Davilla (a) 
Joe Benitez (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
Johnny Desjardins “Green Hornet concept art” retailer incentive cover
Johnny Desjardins “Kato concept art” retailer incentive cover
Johnny Desjardins “original art travelogue” retailer incentive cover
THE EPIC STEAMPUNK CROSSOVER CONTINUES! Magna Spadarossa gets a taste of life in the Big City, but it’s not all she had hoped. Assassins galore are after her, but why? It’s up to Vampirella, the Green Hornet, Kato, and the best Victorian futuristic technology they have to keep Magna safe … but will that be enough?
Nancy A. Collins (w)
Fritz Casas (a)
Joseph Michael Linsner (c)
FC • 40 pages • $4.99 • Teen+ 
After a fight in a tavern results in Red Sonja being arrested and becoming a prisoner, she is sold to a promoter who stages gladiatorial games. There, in the blood-soaked sand of the arena, she finds herself pitted against an old friend – a huge snow bear that she once saved from hunters. But will they unite to wreak havoc on their enemies, or will they fight one another to the death?
Gail Simone (w)
Walter Geovani (a)
Jenny Frison (c)
FC • 32 pages • $1.00 • Teen+ 
ONLY ONE DOLLAR!!! This book is a great way to be introduced to Gail Simone’s monthly series as well as this month’s Red Sonja TPB, which featured the first six issues of Gail’s Red Sonja run! Red Sonja gets a fresh new attitude by the dream team of writer Gail Simone and artist Walter Geovani, on the book they were born to create. Sonja pays back a blood debt owed to the one man who has gained her respect, even if it means leading a doomed army to their certain deaths! In stores one week before RedSonja Vol. 1: Queen of Plagues!
Andy Diggle (w) 
Aaron Campbell (a)
Sean Phillips (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
When both sides are gunning for you, keep your head down and play them off against each other. That’s Weaver’s only chance to get out alive. If he runs, he’ll lose his last chance to discover the truth about his own origins. But if he stand his ground, he might just find there’s a worse fate than death awaiting the Specials…
Dan Abnett (w) 
Cezar Razek (a) 
Colton Worley (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
“Dreams of the Thirteenth” continues! The Galactica has led the fleet into an uncharted storm zone to escape the Cylons, but danger awaits. Haunted by chilling dreams of the lost colony of Earth, the crews of the fleet encounter a vast and mysterious artifact at the heart of the storm. Sensors report that the Cylons have pursued the fleet into the storm. Which is the greatest threat: what lies ahead or what snaps at their heels?
Nate Cosby (w) 
José Luis (a) 
Johnny Desjardins (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
Love, blood, rage and death. The heartbreaking conclusion to Vampirella’s misadventures in Mississippi. Her former lover wants to murder her, and her own body is shutting down from a mystical wound. For the first time, all Vampirella has to rely on…is faith.
Marc Gaffen, Kyle McVey (w) 
Rod Rodolfo (a) 
Lucio Parrillo (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
When Nick is injected with a lethal poison, he finds himself under the control of a mysterious new foe, and is forced into completing herculean tasks in order to get the antidote… or die trying. The Labors of Grimm begins!
David Liss (w) 
Daniel Indro (a) 
Francesco Francavilla (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+
Stranded in Switzerland, his criminal network in tatters, and with the world believing him dead, the world’s most notorious villain, Professor James Moriarty, faces his greatest challenge yet – taking care of an orphaned child. Bound by a solemn promise, and determined to seek revenge against a local madman, Moriarty begins a clever campaign to work his way inside his enemy’s fortress. The trap is set, and Moriarty is determined to succeed, but is he villainous enough for the task?
Fred Van Lente (w) 
Max Dunbar (a) 
Bill Tortolini (c)
FC • 168 pages • $17.99 • Teen+
A small outbreak can turn into a worldwide apocalypse… but only through a long string of screw-ups! Once actual zombies begin popping up in our world, a lone intelligence analyst realizes real-life events are beginning to mimic the events of a long-lost, Grade-Z, drive-in horror flick. As he races to save humanity with this knowledge, he quickly learns the only thing more dangerous than ravenous walking corpses is the ineptitude of the living! The gutsplitting (and then eating) comedy that pokes fun at the zombie horror phenomenon! Illustrated in graytones with red highlights (for blood and gore, of course), so it feels like the ever-popular The Walking Dead series. Collects the complete storyline from issues #1-5 of The Mocking Dead comic book series, complete with a cover gallery!
Collection Features:
• Issues 1-5 of The Mocking Dead by Fred Van Lente and Max Dunbar
• Introduction by David Wellington
• Script to issue one by Fred Van Lente
• Sketches by Max Dunbar
• Complete cover gallery featuring art by Bill Tortolini and Max Dunbar
“Plenty of laugh-out-loud moments!” – Major Spoilers
“Max Dunbar’s art add volumes to the enjoyment of this title. His renderings are funny, gross, and graphic.” – Unleash The Fanboy
“The Mocking Dead is very meta, pretty funny, and awfully clever.” – Multiversity Comics
“Fred Van Lente already did a great job on the subject (of zombie parodies) with his work on Marvel Zombies, but damned if he didn’t manage to find a unique approach to the concept with Mocking Dead.” – Comic Book Resources
BSG08-Cov-Worley Grimm10-Cov-Parrillo Legenderry02-Cov-Benitez MockingDeadV1TP-Cov D.E. Comic Page Template.eps RSBerserker-Covers RSv2-01-DollarBook-Covers Uncanny06-Cov-Phillips VampiGothic05-Cov-Desjardins
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Updated: February 7, 2014 — 4:36 pm

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