Opening for the Marvel Family on Smallville?

Smallville has been a love-hate for me… well, since it’s started, sometimes phenomenal, sometimes over the top.  What we have this week is Lois transforming into Isis (and yes, I remember the old Saturday morning kid’s show), but in the modern DC mythology, Isis is linked to Black Adam which is then be linked to the Big Red Cheese, Captain Marvel himself.  Yes, I’ll buy It’s a long shot. But, I would not be surprised if it’s a shot that the writers of Smallville would be willing to take.

official description from CW.comLois (Erica Durance) decides to tell Clark (Tom Welling) she knows he’s The Blur, but she accidentally activates an ancient artifact that transforms her into the Goddess Isis, complete with superpowers of her own. Oliver (Justin Hartley) and Clark reluctantly decide to ask Tess (Cassidy Freeman) for help with Lois. Meanwhile, after Cat Grant (guest star Keri Lynn Pratt) witnesses Lois as Isis using her superpowers, she decides Lois is the Blur and sets out to prove it. James Marshall directed the episode written by Genevieve Sparling.

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Updated: October 21, 2010 — 2:07 pm


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  1. This plot also could just be a reason to have Erica Durance wear something fanboys will like

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