Scratch9 Puts Claws to Wonder Woman

Earlier in the week, Greg gave you his opinion on DC’s Wonder Woman “new look” move.  It would seem that the extraordinaire creative team behind Scratch9 has a similar take.

official press release –  Scratch9 Gets A Wondrous New Look For the 21st Century!

July 8, 2010 – Ape Entertainment and comics creator Rob M. Worley announced today that Scratch, the lead character in the soon-to-be-top-selling-someday comic SCRATCH9 is about to undergo one of the most dramatic changes in his yet-to-be-started publication history.

“When he makes his debut in August, Scratch will be pretty much wearing the same outfit for four full issues,” Worley said. “Which is to say, he’s completely clothing-free throughout. I mean, he’s a cat, so he’s kind of resistant to putting on clothes.”

Worley continued, “The publishers and I talked it over. Scratch is going to be participating in adventures and antics and tomfoolery –“

“Don’t forget hijinks,” series artist Jason T. Kruse added.

“Right. Hijinks too,” confirmed the writer. “With all that going on we’ve decided that, after the upcoming mini-series, Scratch will need a wondrous new costume for the 21st century.”

The result is a new look designed to be taken seriously as a warrior cat and in partial to answer many cat fans who wonder how he can adventure about with his furry bum showing.

“Besides what cat goes without clothing for his entire career?” Worley asked hypothetically.

“Most of them, actually,” Kruse offered.

“So a new costume it is then!” Worley proclaimed.

Scratch’s new costume is very versatile. He can open the jacket up for hijinks, or close it up to pass unnoticed as a cat in woman’s clothing. The look incorporates the classic design — he’s still completely nude underneath – while adding a tough, elegant, street-fighter look.

“Nothing says street-fighter to me more than a cat wearing a tiara,” exclaimed Kruse.

While modeling the new costume Scratch, the star of the book, seemed at a loss for words and simply lay on the ground moaning piteously.

Accompanying the new look is a SCRATCH9 continuity fix.  After four issues things are bound to get a bit confusing for fans. Unchecked cat stories can breed out of control. In fact, the growth in the population of cat stories will rapidly outpace the number of good homes for them.

“Fixing SCRATCH9 is the responsible thing to do,” said Worley.

The first issue of SCRATCH9 arrives in comic shops this August! (#JUN10 0739, #JUL10 0753)

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About Scratch9

Scratch9 is a four-issue comic book series for young readers featuring a cat who gains the ability to summon any of his 9 lives to aid him in his adventures. Created by Rob M. Worley, with artwork by Jason T. Kruse and covers by Mike Kunkel, the comic is published by Ape Entertainment under their KiZoic imprint. The first issue debuts in August!

About Ape Entertainment

Founded in 2003, Ape Entertainment is the brainchild of comics devotees David Hedgecock and Brent Erwin and is home to such popular titles as, GO-GO GORILLA AND THE JUNGLE CREW, SUPER HUMAN RESOURCES, BLACK COAT, ATHENA VOLTAIRE, SULLENGREY and THE TROUBLE WITH KATIE ROGERS. Ape Entertainment is devoted to the production of high-quality original graphic novels, comic books, and illustrated fiction.

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Updated: July 10, 2010 — 1:46 pm

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