Irredeemable #15: You Just Can’t keep an Evil Mad Superhuman Down!

Irredeemable #15 (Boom! – Waid / Barreto)

The battle that you’ve been waiting for is finally here! After failing to prevent the slaughter of millions and being forced to confront the betrayal of Bette Noir, the Paradigm must finally face the Plutonian – and not everyone will make it out alive! Don’t miss this staggering issue of Mark Waid’s revolutionary superhero saga! Covers by Paul Azaceta and Dan Panosian

What can I say, reading Irredeemable always triggers my extreme mood swings.

Love – Overall theme of dissecting the Superman / JLA mythology

Hate – Spending a great deal of the plot of supporting characters that are lame

Love – An arch-nemesis that is listening at the heartbeat of the story

Hate – A story so convoluted with minor characters and subplots it feels like Pirates of the Caribbean 4

Love – Action that is not characterized by gratuitous splash shots but instead ties right into the story

Hate – Art that even within a few pages goes from being outstanding to looking like it was created with photoshop and the microsoft Paint program

Love – Reading Irredeemable in whole sections (yes in trade mode) makes a very intense and well told story

Hate – When reading month to month, we need to spend time “catching up” and it seems like it could be condensed and move quicker

I don’t know… I heard someone compare reading Irredeemable month to month being like going out with a really gorgeous woman who is only going out with you for you money.  You are well aware it’s costing you every month ($3.99 an ish!) but dog gone it, she looks good on your arm!

Issue grade: B- (grade will go up in trade form!)

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Updated: July 7, 2010 — 9:30 pm

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