Cold Space #3 – I Love Being Proven Wrong!!

Cold Space #3 – Boom! Studios ( Jackson / Calderon / Rock )

From legendary actor Samuel L. Jackson and Emmy-nominee Eric Calderon (Afro Samurai)! Everyone wants a piece of Mulberry. A new gang leader rises to power as rival gangs prepare for civil war. But it’s cool – Mulberry’s getting paid! Trust us, this third issue is the one they will be talking about! The critically-acclaimed hard-boiled sci-fi action-adventure continues, with covers by Eisner Award-winning artist Dave Johnson and Irredeemable cover artist Jeffrey Spokes.

Back in my first review of Cold Space, I was a bit unkind.  I made the statement that the story unoriginal and while the art and dialog were adequate, it gave me an overall “meh” feeling.  I love being wrong.

Cold Space #3 moves forward at mach-4 as it’s story develops into something I can’t wait to get the next issue of.  Sure it’s a bit predictable, but so are the action moves of the 80’s and we all love then hell of out them! Cold Space has found the perfect balance between humor and tension that can be found in a space western.  Plus, they have found a perfect way to mix in Sam Jackson’s high about of bad-assery into comic awesomeness.

The one black spot that I saw was the “cliffhanger” ending just wasn’t all that…well, cliffhangery.  I just didn’t feel the tension as much as I think they wanted me to.  The good thing is it really doesn’t take anything away from the issue.

Grade: A

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Updated: July 10, 2010 — 1:44 pm

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