Atomic Robo Vol #4 closes up with Reveal of new Nemesis!

Atomic Robo Vol 4 #4 (Red 5 – Clevinger / Wegener / Pattison / Powell)

It’s been a long week for ATOMIC ROBO. The Vampire Dimension invaded his home. A giant mutant sea-beast chased him through Tokyo. An insane and probably not super genius velociraptor shot him out of the skies over the South Pacific and held him hostage in a cave. Now he’s being haunted by a scientifically impossible entity from his past. Meet ATOMIC ROBO’s newest nemesis: his oldest nemesis!

Volume #4 has been a great ride.  We have seen a much lighter side to Robo as he bounces from problem to problem, monster to monster, enemy to enemy.  All leading up to this final issue where a seemingly docile specter is revealed as what will be Robot greatest enemy.  There is so much to gush about in this series!

Fantastic art!  A wonderfully constructed story that offers both continutity and the joy of enjoying the individual issue.  This is family friendly and highly entertaining for all readers.  This is arguably one of the best books around!  Over the series of about twenty issues now, there has yet to be a cluncker.

Bottom Line: No-brainer Must-have!

Issue Grade: A+

Series Grade: A+Watch for the Vol 4 trade! order HERE!

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Updated: July 16, 2010 — 10:57 am

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