The Waking #4 – Simply Brilliant!

The Waking #4 (of 4) (Zenescope – Gregory / Drujiniu / Roberts / Crank!)

The city is in absolute chaos as “the woken” tear apart the city in search of those who have killed them. The police have the man responsible for the wakings in custody and he has agreed to send them all back…but under one condition. The tragic origin of Jonathan and Madison Raine is finally revealed and the final chapter of THE WAKING is here!

Fantastic, Original, Thought-provoking, Intriguing… in a word, Brilliant!

In a literary landscape where zombies have infiltrated Shakespeare and Jane Austin, done battle with past presidents, have conquered the Marvel Universe and have invaded the United States in almost infinite permutations, it really is tough to find a fresh take on the genre. It is much easier to find if you open the pages of The Waking.

While the Zenescope  author Raven Gregory rarely falters, he hasn’t shined like this The Gift.

It’s a pretty unsightly scene when a large mid-western man gushes, but I am going to anyway. From the first page of issue #1 to the closing scene of issue #4, The Waking captivates the reader. Gregory runs against the grain of most undead-ish stories here, with characters that have both depth and motivation are not simply archetypes and an overall plot that every reader will cheer on (even those who are not into horror).  The art team behind this book has been exemplar, from action to intense drama to the occasion “eye candy” scene, they haven’t missed a beat and have defined the phrase “consistently excellent”.

This self-contained series is simply a must-have!

Issue Grade: A+
Series Grade: A+

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Updated: June 3, 2010 — 10:30 am

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