Reed Gunther Takes on New York and Continues to Entertain!

Reed Gunther #4 ( – Houghton / Houghton)

Continuing his cross-country chase to reclaim the mysterious monster-generating Idol, Reed Gunther and his trusty steed, Sterling the bear must find their way through the wild, wild… East? Check out the latest thrilling bear-riding cowboy adventure: Reed Gunther in Fish Out of Slaughter!

When I was introduced to the wild adventures of Reed Gunther, I immediately fell back to being eight years old and reading the classic comics of yore.  That is to say, it brought me to that place of pure enjoyment… pure, simplistic, heroic enjoyment.  A place where I don’t have to worry about comics with shady heroes, over the top graphic violence or sex, or relativistic morals.  To be honest, it’s the place where I fell in love with comics as a medium.

After a few years of reading dark stories about heroes fighting the dead, their own inner-demons and each other, I can’t thank Shane and Chris Houghton for reminding me what real joy in the medium can look like.

Coming right out of issue #3, Reed and Sterling find themselves trailing the Idol and  in the middle of New York and as the title implies, like western fish out of the urban water.  From page one, Shane Houghton’s story is addictive.  It’s an all-ages adventure, filled with both humor and characters you want to cheer on.  As an old-school geek and a father, the delight I get from reading this yarn isn’t just from it being the well-told tale of the big-hearted cowboy and his bear taking on a big city baddie, it is also from the iconic and visually comfortable art of Chris Houghton. This book is nothing short than an independent gem!

The Bottom Line: Reed Gunther continues to show readers everywhere that you can have a book that is family-friendly and truly enjoyable in every sense of the word.

Go to the official Reed Gunther website to pre-order!

Issue Grade: A

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Updated: June 23, 2010 — 8:09 pm

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