DC hopes to make live action Blue Beetle!

Over at DC’s The Source (the official DC Blog), the one and only Geoff Johns released some info and pics on an promo clip they created in hopes of making a live-action Blue Beetle TV show.  Given the high success of some of other live action pre-teen/teen sci-fi shows I think this would be a ringer!

First up is one of my personal favorites: a live action screen test of Blue Beetle transforming and something we’re using in the hopes of bringing him to the small screen. There was so much excitement when I mentioned this on Twitter I thought I’d share a little more information…

I feel very fortunate to have been a part of Blue Beetle’s introduction way back in INFINITE CRISIS. I’ve said it before, but thanks to the BLUE BEETLE series launched by Keith Giffen and John Rogers with a great design by Cully Hamner, Jaime Reyes rocks. Great character, great story, great look. He’s already appeared in animation, had action figures and right now he’s on my computer in live-action glory. I have an early special effects test that has been floating around of what his armored scarab-suit could look like. This isn’t final. This isn’t greenlit. It’s only a test that was done. We still have a long way to go to see if we can get this off the ground and a lot of people to jump on board…but check out some stills:

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Updated: June 16, 2010 — 6:37 am

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