Could This be Captain America?

Yesterday, AICN reported that they have concept are for the new Captain America: First Avenger movie.  It seems to be ligitimate.  The pic itself has Chris Evans (Fantastic Four, Push) visage under the mask. So it seems this could be what were going to see on the big screen in July of 2011

Some of the missing elements include the missing wings on the helmet and the lack of stripes on his shirt. Instead, red suspender looking things will form the illusion of stripes. All in all, think the designs look cool and will work well into the universe that Marvel is creating with these movies.  It seems to draw heavily on The Ultimates version of Cap, that took a more soldier  spin on the classic costume.

You can compare the two pics below

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Updated: June 3, 2010 — 4:33 pm

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