Superboy Gets an On-Going Series….Again!

It seems that Superboy fans will, yet gain, be forced to chase their beloved hero from book to book. The only reason I was picking up Adventure Comics was because Superboy was the focus…or he was.  Now it seems I need to pick up another book to see what happens to The Boy of Steel.

Here is what DC has put out:

It’s the kind of thing that pops into your head and just clicks – who’s better suited to pen the adventures of a super-teen in middle America than Jeff Lemire, author of the touching, evocative ESSEX COUNTY and Vertigo’s SWEET TOOTH?

So, it makes perfect sense to announce today that Jeff Lemire, along with artist Pier Gallo, will be launching a SUPERBOY ongoing series later this year, with a special, one-off co-feature debuting in the August issue of ACTION COMICS (#892), which will give fans a primer for the full series.

What can readers expect from Lemire and Gallo? Well, let’s check in with the writer himself. Take it away, Jeff:

“I am really excited to be taking over the adventures of Conner Kent/Superboy in a new monthly series! The book will combine many of the classic touchstones of the Superboy mythos along with new supporting characters, new villains and new ideas, building a strong foundation that can support the Boy of Steel for years to come. I really want to work with our amazing artist Pier Gallo to combine a classic storytelling feel with a thoroughly modern sensibility and explore what it would really be like to be a super powered teenager, in the heart of rural America.”

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Updated: May 14, 2010 — 12:27 pm

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