Green Lantern #52

Green Lantern #53 (DC – Johns / Mahnke)

A BRIGHTEST DAY tie-in! Exploding out of BLACKEST NIGHT comes the next exciting chapter in the Green Lantern mythos: “New Guardians”! Forced together during the rise of the Black Lanterns, Hal Jordan, Sinestro, Carol Ferris, Saint Walker, Atrocitus, Indigo-1 and Larfleeze must agree to disagree if their next mission is to succeed. But when one of the strangest beings from Green Lantern’s past returns, the future of the Lanterns and the universe at large once again falls into question.

After reading this issue, you never would guess that these two guys have just come of a huge nine month crossover (and the two-year build up) that was Blackest Night.  John’s writing is as sharp as ever, and Mahnke’s pencils are still top notch.

I think some of the best parts of this book are just in the “back to basics” of storytelling.  We get to see Hal and Carol Ferris get into some interpersonal moments. It’s nice to see Hal as more than just a space cop, and more of a man with an extraordinary job.  One surprise in a Green Lantern book is that it looks like Lex Luthor might be sticking around for awhile (throwing continuity completely out the widow when compare to the Superman books) and I think that his role is really going to work.

Grade: A

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Updated: November 2, 2010 — 11:04 am

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