Frustration Abounds as Boom! Casts off the Anchor!

The Anchor #8 (Boom! – Hester / Churilla)

The strangest team up in all of comics takes place when The Anchor partners with The Anchor! Now reunited with his soul, The Anchor begins a one-man war on the forces of Hell to rescue an innocent from their clutches. It’s a battle royale that can only end in a showdown with Satan himself.

Phil Hester’s open letter at the end of this issue declares this to be the last of the monthly series.


Okay, I got that out of the way and can move on with this post.

According to the letter, the cancellation was really an issue of sales.  No sales means no series.  You can’t get mad at a business for wanting to make good business decisions, but it is still very disappointing.  The Anchor is (was :() an incredible series.  The Anchor ends as it lived, an action-filled book that had a kickin’ plot with a poetic narrative.

The final issue has the Anchor reunite his body and soul (if even just for one battle) to take on Satan himself in battle for his great grand-daughter.  As far as I am concerned, The Anchor serves as a prime example that you can have characters of faith and have a plot that revolves around a Judeo-Christian setting without it being cheesy as all get out.  Hester’s ability to mesh theology and story in a mainstream book is well-above what is expected or what has been seen from previous attempts to do this by others.  He is able to intertwine  Scripture and plot in such a way that it comes across as positive to a believer, yet not offensive and non-preachy to a non-believer.

I have only positive things to say about this series, it never let me down in anyway.  The only positive thing I can say about this being the end is that the story arc is completed and that the trade will be a self-contained project that ranks high on the “awesome-meter”.  The Hester / Churilla team-up was exceptional, they really complimented each other’s styles.  I look forward to seeing projects from both of them in the future (Churilla is bringing his minimalist style to Marvel).

I will keep you updated when the trade comes out, but The Anchor is truly a series worth having!

Issue grade: A+

Series Grade: A+

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Updated: May 20, 2010 — 12:56 pm

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