Brightest Day #1 – Not As Bright As Advertised (but in a good way).

Brightest Day #1 ( DC  – Johns / Tomasi / Reis / Gleason )

BRIGHTEST DAY continues, but in ways you can’t possibly expect! What does BRIGHTEST DAY mean to the DC Universe? Is everything from here on out going to be bright and shiny? No, BRIGHTEST DAY means something else entirely, something we can’t tell you…yet. But we can tell you our heroes will need to rise up more than ever to combat the forces of evil, and a select few will uncover a secret that binds them ALL.

There’s no joy in Mudville! That’s about the best way you can describe the DCU right now. When I first read that the oath based crossover of Blackest Night would be followed by Brightest Day, I was a little concerned that DC might just be making a grab for my cash. After all, how intriguing could a story about the happy-happy joy-joy events of DC really be? If I wanted super happy fun time heroes, I would read the old 60’s comics when Batman smiled on every cover. To my surprise, I shouldn’t judge a book by its title. The characters that found themselves back in the land of the living at the end of BN are experiencing some issues: Aquaman is still summoning the dead creatures of the sea, which then go on murderous rampages; Ronnie Raymond & Jason Rusch are fused together and can’t separate, as much to their dispair; J’onn J’onzz is experiencing haunting visions; and someone is messing with Hawkman and Hawkgirl’s original corpses. Basically, life is not good for the resurrected.
In the past, I haven’t given a fig about these resurrected characters but Johns and Tomasi have done their usual magic and made this something readers want to pick up. And so far, Brightest Day, is looking pretty dark.

Grade: B

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Updated: May 12, 2010 — 2:27 pm

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