Sony shuts down Percy

Not 48 hours ago did let loose with the story that Logan Lerman would play the lead role in the Spider-Man re-boot… well, Sony had their comeback.  Lerman isn’t even on the short-list, according to this Deadline New York post.

While the website Hitfix reported today that Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief star Logan Lerman was the clear first choice and “almost 100% locked” into becoming the next Peter Parker in the rebirth of the  Spider-Man franchise, insiders at Sony say that the young actor is not getting the role. In fact, these sources were very definitive in denying the story, and were sure that Lerman was 100% not going to be Spidey and that he is not on the list of candidates being seriously considered. for the new film that will be directed by (500) Days of Summer helmer Marc Webb. On the other hand, Drew McWeeny is often right about stuff–he was first to accurately note that Fox was eyeing other directors for the X-Men: First Class spinoff film because Bryan Singer had committed to direct Jack The Giant Killer.

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Updated: April 12, 2010 — 8:35 am

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