The Anchor’s Origin Revealed!

The Anchor #6 (Boom! – Hester / Churilla)

Tragedy strikes the Anchor when his new found knowledge leads to the loss of someone he loves. And our heaven sent hero is hell bent on settling the score, even if it means a trip to the bowels of Hell itself. THE ANCHOR promises more potent pathos, neck breaking action, and mind bending plot twists per page than any comic on the stands. THE ANCHOR train has left the station — get on or get run over!

This is a straight-out origin issue and a perfect jump on place for fan-boys who have yet to get involved with the under-hyped phenom of entertainment that is The Anchor.  Phil Hester tacks together a fully encompassing tale that masterfully strings together the Anchor’s past and ties it into the present arc.

The plot goes from the Anchor growing up as the boy of a hateful father, through his enslavement and travels, to the death of his first love and how he became totally devoted to God.  Hester does some prime work here.  Brian Churilla keeps on keeping on and delivers his signature minimalist style with fantastic results.  The mesh of the Hester’s event-centric writing and Churilla’s powerful art creates a synthesis of a series that is well above the common expectation for an indie book.

Issue grade: A

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Updated: March 15, 2010 — 11:56 am

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