Green Lantern Corps #46 – Like a well oiled machine.

Green Lantern Corps #46 ( DC – Tomasi / Gleason / Buchman )

Blackest Night comes to its epic and stunning conclusion in this over-sized issue as the Green Lantern Corps descends on Earth to make their final stand against Nekron and the Black Lanterns!

I’ve been on board with the GLC since the beginning of the Sinestro Corps War, and I’ve come to expect a certain level of excellence.  Quirky dialog, awesome splash pages, compelling stories, and a touch of the disturbing have become the benchmarks of this series all the time I’ve been reading.  This issue continues this tradition.

This issue delivers everything I have come to expect from a GLC issue. Gleason is allowed to shine in this issue.  He has more and a few two-page spreads and even more splash pages that really drive home the importance of the story.  The best being the title page of Lantern of every color entrenched in a huge battle, and a scene where Guy Gardner, acting an excellent field general, sets up a multi-colored web to take down the Black Lantern horde. Tomasi also throws in a well-timed Star Trek TOS reference from Guy (who knew?) that gives him the idea for the “web-of-death”

The real highlight of the issue comes in later half, when the Lanterns descend on Earth to keep the Anti-Monitor from emerging out of the Black Lantern Power Battery.  Tomasi and Gleason take the opportunity to not only shed some light (pun intended) on Dove’s connection to the White Light, meanwhile they use Dove in one of the coolest, most over-the-top plot devices in the series’ history.

Really the only complaint I had with this entire issue is the “dead loved one” angle was worked again.  It’s just getting old.

Even with it’s flaw, as a result of  the events from this issue, I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of Blackest Night #8.

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Updated: March 31, 2010 — 10:12 am

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