All Good Things Must Come to an End… Even Wonderland

Escape From Wonderland #6 (of 6) (Zenescope – Gregory / Leister / Ruffino)

Calie must finally face her worst nightmare as the fate of the entire world lies in the balance. The mysterious and powerful Jabberwocky is intent on escaping from Wonderland and bringing his minions along for the ride.  This is the issue that you’ve all been waiting for. The absolutely shocking and awe-inspiring conclusion to Zenescope’s Wonderland trilogy is here!

So, we are there… the final issue of the final series of the trilogy.

In a statement… well worth the time.

Raven Gregory  and the rest of the Wonderland team put some great touches into this final installment making this a worthy ending:  a few what-ifs to satisfy the fan boards, an easter egg or two for the alert reader (I liked the license plate), complete closure on the Calie and Violet and even the ever-present Zenescope twist ending.

Calie and Johnny have their final showdown.  And as we have seen in the last few issues, Calie has stepped it up from “horror movie victim” to the Ripley-level, “kick your ass just as soon as look as you” leading female protagonist.  She takes the fight to Johnny and regardless of consequences, makes sure that the conflict comes to a conclusion.  I appreciate that in the midst of nooses, flashing butcher knives and bloody punches, we get reminded (through the use of memory-laced splash pages) that Calie is a hero worth cheering on.  She would rather not be here, she would rather have this end a different way, but she is willing to do what she needs to, to protect her daughter.

Taking a look over the last few years, I can absolutely say that the Wonderland series overall is one of the best written action series to see the light of day, indie or not.

Issue Grade: without a shade of doubt, A

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Updated: March 31, 2010 — 10:09 am

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