Raimi Goes for The Shadow..again

Greetings fellow readers!  Looks like Sam Raimi is shooting for The Shadow again.  If you don’t remember, he made his first run at the pulp hero in the early 90’s but was shot down by studio heads.  This is why Sam Raimi introduced the world Darkman.  It was his way to try and do The Shadow, without doing The Shadow.

The folks over at TotalFilm.com have this to say about Raimi’s plans.

“Having recently parted company with Sony over Spiderman 4, it seems Sam Raimi is upping the ante for a possible adaptation of The Shadow.

Raimi, who has never disguised his intentions to produce a reboot of the cult character, had this to say back in 2007;

“I love the character very much and we’re trying to work on a story that’ll do justice to the character.”

Raimi was previously attached to the project as producer, but with Spider-man out of the picture, the slate is clear for Sam to jump in the directors chair – sweet music surely to those who remember the Alec Baldwin-starring 1994 shambles of an adaptation.

As far as casting goes, we know just the man for the job… *cough* Bruce Campbell *cough*.”

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Updated: February 2, 2010 — 8:07 am

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