A Living Legend Comes To Wizard’s Chicago Comic Con.

Wizard’s Chicago Comic Con was the only comic convention I made it to last year. If you don’t remember my feelings on the show, you can read them here. Just to sum up, I was disappointed.  Everyone had rumors flying that Wizard was trying to kill the convention, or just make it ready to unload to another show runner. But judging by the recent actions of Wizard’s convention dept. lately, it seems like Gareb Shamus is getting more and more into the convention business.  After Monday’s news that Wizard has bought yet another convention, the Cleavland Comic-Con, topping their total at eleven conventions.

Now the bigger news to me is that William Shatner, yep, James T. Kirk himself, will be attending this year’s Chicago Comic-Con.  Eric and I have had conversations about this very thing happening.  This is the man, one of the few celebrities, that we have said we would stand in line all day for and pay whatever outrageous price he’s asking for an autograph and a picture with him.  He’s a legend in his own time and will be one of the many reasons I will planning to attend the Chicago Comic Con this year.

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Updated: February 9, 2010 — 10:29 am

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  1. I….can’t….imagine….abetterpersonto…capture….the….excitementofWizardCon…

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