The End of Time!

The End of Time is upon us!

Don’t worry, unless of course you are a fan of David Tennant.

With the Holidays behind us and part one airing here in the US last Saturday, I figured it would be okay to talk about without causing too many spoiler fits out there.  The Tennant era sadly comes to an end this Saturday (at least for us Whovians here in the US – tomorrow night 7:30 BBC America) with The End of Time Part 2.

Last Saturday we all took in Part 1.  While the episode itself, which brings back the uber-foe The Master, wasn’t the best writing we have ever seen. And the fiendish plot derived by a mentally-half-with-in Master was perhaps one of the goofiest we have encountered (changing every human into himself  genetically).  The big reveal for the fanbase was Timothy Dalton as historic Galifreyian baddie Rassilon  or “The Narrator” (delightfully reminding me or the Tom Baker days) – who is willing to ressurect the Time Lords at the cost of the rest of creation.  I don’t know what the 5th season with Matt Smith the 11th Doctor will bring, but it sounds very promising!

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Updated: January 1, 2010 — 4:25 pm

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