Green Lantern Corps #44 – Rage of Guy Gardner

Green Lantern Corps #44 (DC – Tomasi / Gleason / Buchman )

Witness the fury of Guy Gardner – Red Lantern! But what horrible attack on the Corps would fuel Guy’s rage? And how can anyone save him from the grip of the crimson fury?

While being fairly removed from the main events of Blackest Night, I’m still very impressed with story arc in GLC.

The mass of the Black Lantern army was dedicated to the assault on Oa because without the green light in their way, nothing could stop them.  Lucky for the universe the Green Lantern Corps live on Oa and they were not going down without a fight.  Through a series of events, Guy Gardner gets pushed over the edge and is taken by a red ring to spew his rage over the his undead enemies.

Currently, we are about six months into Blackest Night and the Green Lantern Corps has spent their time stuck in their own book.  I would think that a Green Lantern army, now they it’s done defending Oa, would be making its way to Earth to be a part of the big dance, but it doesn’t look like it. Having been taken by the rage of the Red Lanterns, Guy Gardner has become the major concern of the GLC.  Here is where I feel like things are starting to drag. If the next few issues deal exclusively with Guy’s salvation, then I’m going to question where the story is going.  I like Guy. He’s one of my favorite characters in the DCU.  But in the big picture, you don’t need to redeem him right now.  He’d make a great Red Lantern! Leave him barfing the red goo until the end of Blackest Night and send the rest of the GLC to Earth to join in fight.

Overall, this is a capstone issue for one part of the blackest war.  It’s a great issue (Mogo opens a can of Woop A$$) and the Green Lantern Corps creative team is top notch.  This is truly one of the best big publisher books I’m reading.

Grade: A

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Updated: January 26, 2010 — 11:11 am

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