28 Days Later Takes a Step Back In Time

28 Days Later #5 (Boom! – Nelson / Oleksicki)

They are trapped among The Infected. They have no supplies. Most of their crew has been killed.  Selena, Clint and Derrick must get to London, but will they make it? Selena knows how to survive, but that was when she was trying to get out of London. Now she’s going back in.

At the end of last issue we left the three survivors (Selena in harsh survivalist mode, Clint feeling in over his head and Derrick with his eyes burned out) ready to face a mainland full of diseased rabid killers without transportation or any equipment to speak of.  Over the first story arc (four issues), Michael Alan Nelson has superbly created the same high level of suspense and building pressure that made both movies fanboy hits.  Issue #5 serves as a stand alone in between arcs giving the reader history and background on Derrick and Clint and their relationship.

This issue is very much a 28DL issue zero, a flashback setting up the first story arc.  While there is very little action, Nelson still shows that he able to write intense drama without having zombies present… racism, post-traumatic stress and military strong-arming are all present here.  The switch in artists left me a little wanting, simply because I have a growing fondness for Delcan Shalvey’s shade-driven work.  Marek Oleksicki’s art (Frankenstein’s Womb) still is a pleasure to look at and brings a less abstract grittiness to book, perhaps a much better choice for this set-up issue. On sale tomorrow!

The bottom line is if you are a fan of the movies, Boom!’s comic series is excellent and has continued to enrich the 28DL landscape and provide more background for further stories in this not-so-distant doomsday future.

Issue Grade: A-

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Updated: January 5, 2010 — 2:05 pm

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