Escape from Wonderland Comes Full Circle!

Escape From Wonderland #3 (Zenescope – Gregory / Leister / Ruffino)

The saga continues as Calie finds that the closer she gets to her goal the more dangerous her path becomes. Strange creatures of every sort try to prevent her from reaching her ultimate destination but Calie is determined to let nothing stand in her way of her reaching her daughter and leaving this nightmare once and for all.

Raven Gregory outdid himself on this issue.  It is Jam packed!  We get a battle with the Jabberwocky, an encounter with the Cheshire Cat, the rescue of Violet, not one but two sacrificial deaths, the return of Alice (good ol’ mom) and an ending that is worthy of a approval nod from Rod Serling!

This issue does what all fans hope happens near the end of a serial plot – most questions are answered, most plot lines are resolved and those enigmas that aren’t explained are funneled to a single strand for the reader.  It is clear to at least this reader that Mr. Gregory is wrapping up this series with purpose and design in mind, not simply drawing it out and hoping it sort of makes sense (*ahem* looking right at you Stephen King).

In short, As it has the past few years, Zenescope’s Wonderland series continues to deliver on all levels.  Fantastic plot! Great sci-fi twists! Gorgeous art!  One of the best books for your (or my) buck!

Issue Grade: A

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Updated: December 19, 2009 — 9:00 pm

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