The Sci-Fi comic revival continues… next up: Jericho!

The current trend of bringing “un-finished” sci-fi properties to comics has no end in sight.   Devil’s Due has jumped in with Jericho.

Okay, so I have found that Jericho worked much better for me watching it in seasons rather than week to week.  But, it is still a very solid post-apocalyptic story.  Here’s to hoping that Jericho’s Season 3 has as much success at Buffy’s Season 8.

From Devil’s Due Publishing (Writers: Dan Shotz & Robert Levine Artist: Alejandro F. Girlaldo) Continues where Season 2 cliffhanger ended!  Jake Green & Robert Hawkins are in the safe haven of Texas with the last remaining warhead from the devastating attack on America.  As the Cheyenne army bears down on them, they must decide whether to side with a mysterious figure, possibly their former enemy, to fight an even greater one…

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Updated: November 30, 2009 — 9:26 am


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  1. It was a great tv show and somewhat to my surprise, it is a great comic book. I’ve read it so many times and still discover new things. As a fan, I am thrilled to get more story, the real story as written by the show’s creators. This fan is pleased.

  2. The Jericho writers have done a great job bringing Jericho back to the fans in comic format! Season 3 is stronger than ever…………if you haven’t gotten issue #1 yet, get it now while you can.

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