The Black Coat is still riding tall!

The Black Coat #3 (Ape – Lichius / Cogan / Kotz)

A traitor in the Knights of Liberty has leaked vital military information to the British, who are now preparing to march on the Colonists at Lexington and Concord. The League plans to guarantee a war by assassinating America’s most popular statesman, Benjamin Franklin, along with anyone who gets in the way – especially The Black Coat!

The Black Coat is one those amazing and unique books that I truly recommend for everyone – especially those who maybe aren’t normally into the comic scene – wives, girlfriends, significant others, history buffs, etc.  The Black Coat is the story of a pulp hero (appeasing to your normal geek), but instead of the book orbiting around fight scenes and dark melodrama, the book revolves around a real adventure story in a historical context.

The Black Coat is a hero among heroes without being cheesy.  The readers buy the character and find ourselves drawn into his peril.  I can’t say enough about Ben Lichius’ ability to lay out a story that is both enticingly meaty and thrilling.  Lichius has been able to reproduce the beloved archetype of the pulp hero without dragging with it some of the negative cheese cake trappings (like unbelievably silly villains and useless heroines) that usually come with it.  This is stand out writing that dwarves most of what passes in the mainstream comic industry.

Along with great writing is the well-detailed art work.  Drawn by Dean Kotz and colored by Lichius (apparently pulling double duty), the art lays out an excellent framework for the Coat’s tale.

If you haven’t checked this out, you need to.  The Black Coat is part of the upper-echelon of family-freindly independent comics available!

Issue Grade: A+

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Updated: September 8, 2010 — 10:53 am


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