Green Lantern #47 – Small Victories

Green Lantern #47 ( DC Comics – Johns / Mahnke / Alamy )

BLACKEST NIGHT continues! The war between the Blue Lanterns and Agent Orange implodes as the universe darkens! But a strange turn will send this epic battle in an unexpected direction when Larfleeze has something he desperately hordes taken away from him!

Sinestro has his Corps and his world back, but there is no rest for the wicked. Black Lantern rings have taken control of Abin Sur and Abin’s dead sister, who obviously had a relationship with Sinestro, in an attempt to take out the best ring slingers the universe has ever seen. Not bloody likely.

Big things happen here, even bigger than in the actual Blackest Night issue that came out the same day.  We see that, even after having his heart torn out, Atrocitus is still one tough cookie.  The Black Lanterns will have trouble disposing of him.  Sinestro, while still the master of fear, has within him the capasity for love and compassion.  I hope to see more of how this plays out.  Also, Sinestro has called a cease-fire on the Green Lantern Corps while the Black Lantern plague persists. Lastly, we see that greed and rage will soon be mixing.

Over all feeling with this issue were…elation.  There is real story development here with Sinestro, Hal, Carol, Atrocitus, and also a tiny bit with John Stewart.   The art and dialog and are on par with what to expect with Johns and Mahnke. If you’ve been reading Green Lantern or following Blackest Night, then this is a book that stays at the top of your pile.

Grade: A

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Updated: November 2, 2010 — 11:04 am

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