Double Duck on the Loose!

Donald Duck and Friends #347 (Boom Kids! – Vitaliano / Freccero)

The Quack is back in this first BOOM! Kids issue! He’s no double “o” seven, he’s Double Duck! Donald shows us his dashing, adventurous side as a secret agent on a mission to stop a dangerous ice-melting machine and save the world from rising oceans! This is a Donald Duck like you’ve never seen! A brand new start at a brand new company for one of the world’s most iconic characters and longest-lived, most-published comic book series!

Very recently, Boom-Kids started handling the Disney comic line.  Talk about flashback… Disney comics are a part of my childhood memories.  I remember back in 1990, before I was married and being in full-fledged college collector mode and getting all the first issues from when Disney started their own publishing company.  Before that I remember the old Gold Key / Western Publishing comics that I would get free when I would get a haircut or pick up three for a quarter at the grocery store.  They would read and re-read to the point of literally falling apart.

While the prices definitely have changed, Boom-Kids continue in the long comic tradition of bringing large-eared fun for a younger generation and indoctrinating them to Walt’s universe with their present run of Disney comics.

This is Donald’s first Boom issue and they start off with a great storyline.  “Double Donald” takes the anger-filled fowl in a very interesting direction… sleeper agent.  Yes, very amusing.

Boom!’s take is to run a full issue story and have arcs rather than the traditional self-contained Disney story.  This appeals to the traditional geek, but has less appeal for the mom or dad that is just picking up a random issue for the kids.  And as always *insert groan*, and I know this is an industry issue and not just a Boom! issue, but being a dad in the present economy a $2.99 price tag is a tough pill to swallow, even for something as delightful as this.  Maybe trades will be more economic?

Prices aside, the folks in the Magic Kingdom should be very happy with what Boom! is doing with the properties.

Issue Grade: A

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Updated: November 3, 2009 — 2:33 pm


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