28 Days Later Continues to Deliver!

28 Days Later #4 (Boom! – Nelson / Shalvey)

Selena and her new comrades have faced the Infected, but how will they fare against all the firepower used to enforce the U.K. quarantine? The pulse-pounding conclusion to the first arc ends here and the crew will never be the same again!

This series just keeps getting better and better!  You know a writer is worth their weight when you can have an entire issue of a “zombie” book that keeps you on the edge of your seat without ever having a zombie show up.

In the last month I was able to re-watch both movies  and Michael Alan Nelson continues to deliver both the intensity and the paranoia that defined the film series.  In particular, this issue deals with the same “hard line” military action themes that was seen in 28 Weeks Later.

Selena and the journalism crew continue their quest to get into the heart of the quarantine when the US military shows up and has different ideas.  They make it as far as Scotland, but not without sacrifices.

Nelson’s interpretation of the next chapter in the “28 Days” mythology is mesmerizing.  Terror, grit and survival instinct are all tangible as you go from page to page.  Declan Shavley’s superb ability to mix line, shade and color offers an excellent yet edgy lens with which to view this story.  This series is a gem to comic and horror fans alike!  This comes out on Wednesday, if you don’t have it on your pull list, it should be there.  This is one book I know I am going to keep reading month to month!

Issue Grade: A

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Updated: November 30, 2009 — 2:33 pm

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