So, it broke this morning via Harry at Ain’t It Cool, that Martin Campbell (director of the new Green Lantern movie – Ryan Reynolds) that child actor turned geek uber-moviestar Jackie Earle Haley will be playing mentor turned nemesis Sinestro. And also that once some legal action gets out of the way, perhaps there will be a big blue cameo in the movie also.
Here is Harry’s word-for-word:
I’m putting this in the caveat as a rumor – as opposed to a rock solid, take it to the bank story. Right now, Martin Campbell is in the process of finalizing the rest of the cast for GREEN LANTERN to surround Ryan Reynolds with. And I’m not sure why, but I’ve just hit the point where I’m giddy and hopeful about a GREEN LANTERN movie. This story came from someone working on the film. That part is solid, what isn’t – and won’t be till it all gets finalized is the fact that JACKIE EARLE HALEY is leading the list to play SINESTRO!!! That’s just about perfect in my book! Something that makes me absolutely giddy as all hell! Oh… and according to my source, it’s looking like SUPERMAN will be making a cameo, but that all depends upon how… other DC things go, but it is an indicator that DC is paying attention and taking note of what MARVEL is doing, which has excited all of us so much!