Irredeemable gains focus and Momentum!

Irredeemable #7 (Boom! – Waid / Krause)

A “twilight of the superheroes”-style story that examines super-villains from Mark Waid writer of KINGDOM COME and EMPIRE! The Plutonian’s former teammates, the Paradigm, start to turn the tide against their former comrade. But you know what they say about a cornered animal…

Finally we are getting past the set-up in this series, it’s been a long six issues.  Did it draw me in? Absolutely!  Was it well-written and superbly drawn? Absolutely!  Did it make me want to come up with more theories as to what happen to the Plutonian than who was a Skrull in Secret Invasion?  Absolutely!  Could four issues covered what happened in six? Absolutely!

Alright, let me just get that one complaint off my chest… this was drawn out a bit.  We all know how good Mark Waid is, he just seemed to do some rambling in the past few issues.  And while it is central to the plot to let us know how much the Plutonian is off-center, the intimate glimpses of his sexual frustrations / hang-ups took Irredeemable off the middle school list for me.

Okay, with that aside, issue #7 brings Irredeemable back onto the short list of best new series of the last twelve months.   The verbal showdown between the Plutonian and Charybdis lets the reader in on the actual event that caused the Earth to be seen as a annoying antfarm as the rest of the Paradigm continue to explore the Plutonian’s citidal in search of clues on how to stop the big man.  Bette Noir finds out she is the focus of  one heavy-dury obsession and Charybdis lets the Plutonian in on a secret of his own.  Mark Waid is solidly back in the captain’s chair of the starship “U.S.S. wicked story”.  And as always, legend Peter Krause (Power of Shazam!) comes ready to play every issue!

Issue Grade: A

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Updated: October 9, 2009 — 11:42 am

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