Green Lantern #46 – Mongul vs Sinestro!

Green Lantern #46 ( DC – Johns / Mahnke / Alamy )

“BLACKEST NIGHT continues! For months, Mongul has wrested control of the Sinestro Corps. Now Sinestro wants a word with him. And Hal wants a word with Sinestro. But in the midst of BLACKEST NIGHT, they’ll all become the hunted as the fallen Sinestro Corps members rise. What will happen? Here’s a hint: Sinestro gets some serious payback.”

WOOO!! I always knew that I would end up rooting for Sinestro in some way.  For me, he’s kind of like the Chicago Bears.  Being a Green Bay Packer fan, I am bread to loath the Bears with every fiber of my being. But if they are playing the Vikings, you can bet the farm I’m screaming Brian Urlacher to tear someone’s head off.  Same story here.

Sinestro has been rallying his troops to regain control for his Corps as Mongul has spent his time terrorizing Sinestro’s home world. That is a bad idea.  For all of Sinestro’s crimes, for all of his murder and exploits to destroy the Guardians, he is still at his heart a son of Korugar.

Upon Hal, Carol, Sinestro, and Indigo showing up on Korugar, Sinestro is immediately going after Mongul for revenge.  It’s a good thing that a red lantern wasn’t around because I believe that there would have been a few new members.  I think what I enjoyed the most was Hal and Carol constantly offering help and Sinestro keeping with the, “This is my fight” line.  This is issue where Johns shows that he’s not just a talky-talky guy, but can write the action too.

Grade: A

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Updated: October 5, 2009 — 10:38 pm

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